Somewhere between the equidistance of the Autumnal Equinox
and the Winter Solstice we embrace the enchanting Samhain. A time of mystery
and lore in the most wonderfully bewitching of ways, spirits are free to
express themselves in any composite or ethereal medium. It is almost expected
that norms are purposefully disregarded and restrictions are recognized as
never having a place in existence. For a moment in time, released from novelty
and sometimes in spite of it, freedom of expression comes in full force in all
shapes and practices.
Since we are able to engage our full expression, this time
also allows us to tap into our heightened awareness powers. Our innate intuition
kicks into high gear and we can perceive and discern versatile facets of our Self-discovery
and therefore journey. We are able to prioritize our personal needs and create
space, releasing any attachments that no longer serve us. This perpetuates the enhancement
of the higher Self facilitating our autonomy and even more able-minded connection
to the cosmic thread that connects us all.
This connection is not purely constrained to the living… We
also honor those that have paved the way before us, and though we are not
relegated to one specific time to honor them, it sure does serve as a
purposeful reminder that they may have gone, but live on in our memories. We can share those memories to implicate the
ever sacred connection of the human element; past, present, and future. I
constantly conjure the energy of my Grandmother, maternal blessing and powerful
Goddess, who epitomized the duality of grace and power. How amazing, a gift, to
be able to call upon her energy to bring any negative situation to triumph and
joy, even though her physical being no longer inhabits the earthly space.
(intention): find a special place that allows for a bit of silence and ease. It
does not have to be your home or some sacred dwelling, only a spot that you
feel safe and nurtured. Light a small candle (in a fire proof vessel) and
concentrate on the flame. Whisper into it your intention of positivity for the
development of your higher Self and allow the words to come from your heart.
Share that energy and feeling by thinking of your loved ones. Let the candle
extinguish on its own, and carry that wonderful energy with you always, knowing
you can evoke its power whenever you need. Namaste…
The Working Yogini
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