One of the most revered times of the year for peace and internal solace, the Winter Solstice is an interlude to elevate the self through practices of solitude and reflection. A rather colder period of time on the East coast, we turn to methods of increasing warmth and nurturing the body with earthly foods and brews. Finding the beauty and necessity in all seasons, the Winter Solstice reminds us of the need for life to be still, ruminate on the seeds planted, and prepare for their impending fruition. We amplify our intentions and focus on our goals for the future, giving them the positive energy and focus they require to manifest. Though personal contributions to wellness are encouraged throughout the year, emphasis is even more evident during this time as we are challenged with the elements (being cognizant of geography). The beauty of the snow covered trees and crispness of the air prompt our internal constitutions to complement extra care ...