We have all heard the concept of change being the only constant in the world… Yet when the unexpected comes our way, more often than not, there is an initial apprehension and fear towards the unknown. Perhaps what follows is that awkwardness in trying our best to figure things out and experimenting with different methods (learned and new) to find our way. And, depending on the time and outcome, we revel in the aftermath, taking comfort in being more knowledgeable than before. I welcome change as a means of shifting from the unknown into the known. As I process and evolve my understanding, change can be events in our personal timeline that we handle as mini or massive projects. These events are, of course, NECESSARY as they take levels of effort and thoughtfulness, embracing them in whatever fashion and function. It is up to us, on a very personal degree, to approach these events with an open mind and a full heart to grow our perspective and increase positive self-development. For...